Tag: wordpress

Reconciliation with my blog…

Hello again,

This is going to be an attempt to reconnect with my blog. So many things have been said and left unsaid over this one year. Of course, a whole chunk of it went to my personal diary. Strangely, I find myself writing a lot in flights. It’s like an overflow of emotions, words and ink – all at the same time. Like, I must do it! So, my dairy has been a witness to this weird trait of mine. I mean, who writes in a flight?

Anyway, these diary writing episodes have also been a reminder of the fact that there’s nothing like sitting down with your pen and paper. It’s an incomparable experience. It cuts out all the distractions and clears my mind. Except that I miss the auto-corrects, word suggestions and modern editing features as such.

Looks like I am going to be here for some more posts. Also, need to update my music blog which I had started off with so much passion.

This post is going to be as short as this.

Wandering Sonata